Dan Snyder Is Gone Logo 2009 Season Blog

Dan Snyder Must Go started as a blog in 2009. These posts are from back then. Some links work, some don't. Enjoy

Vinny Cerrato Must Go Part 1

If there is one constant within the last decade with the Redskins, it's Vinny. Vinny, the right hand man to Snyder has dragged the team to a national punch line many times during his reign. I have so many gripes against him that I cannot really list it in one post.  DC Sports Bog is reporting about some comments that Schottenheimer made:

"When you send Dan [Snyder] out along with Vinny Cerrato, Vinny's going to tell him whatever he thinks Dan wants to hear," Schottenheimer said Thursday on "The Red Zone," the SIRIUS NFL show he hosts along with Solomon Wilcots. "Dan, God love him, I don't know that the analysis and evaluation of quarterbacks is necessarily down his alley."

Schottenheimer and Cerrato obviously have a shared past, with the former (briefly) helping usher the latter out of the picture at Redskins Park. And it sounds like Schottenheimer's feelings about Cerrato have not improved with time.

"I've said for a long time, in my opinion the problem down there--obviously it starts at the top with Dan--but [the problem] is Cerrato," Schottenheimer said Thursday. "I don't particularly respect the guy. He and I had our issues when we were there. Basically what he said was, 'Marty, Dan may be listening to you during the preseason,' he says. 'But wait until I get up in the owner's box during the regular season, and then we'll see who Dan listens to.'

"Now how's that? How's that? And of course, he was gone within the week but re-hired shortly after I departed. So now, Dan, he's made his choice [some] time ago, but I'm not a big fan of Cerrato and his work."